When looking after my grandchildren, I encourage them to eat their vegetables, get plenty of playtime and rest to help them grow up big and strong. It dawned on me the other day that plants and humans have a lot in common when it comes to our basic needs.
In this month’s blog, I thought we’d return to basics and look at the seven things a plant needs.
Like you and me, plants won’t survive without air, the cleaner, the better. Air pollutants, including smoke and gas, can damage a plant. Plants use the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and return it as oxygen.
Another simple thing that plants like us can’t do without is water. But there is a thing as too much water. Too little or too much can potentially kill the plant. Giving the plant just the right amount of water ensures it’s not stressed.
An essential energy source for all indoor and outdoor plants is light. If a plant is green, it will need some sunlight to grow.
There are three vital nutrients a plant needs;
Nitrogen, for above-the-ground growth
Phosphorous, aids flower and seed production and assists with developing strong roots.
Potassium, helps to fight off disease and assists with growing long stems.
Just like us, some plants like it hot while others like a cooler temperature. Generally, most plants want to be kept cool at night.
When it comes to space, a plant knows exactly what it needs to thrive. The leaves don’t like to be crowded as it can stop them from getting the necessary sunlight. The roots need to spread out to absorb water and nutrients.
Plants need time to grow, and they also need time to rest. Too much or too little time in darkness or sunlight can impact the growth and performance of the plant.
Did you know we have a range of products to help support your garden's basic needs?
As a Natural Growth Stimulant for plants, liquid worm castings provide good microbes such as fungi and helpful nitrogen-fixing bacteria to your plants and help build good soil structure that increases aeration, moisture and nutrient absorption.
Biolink Brew Compost Tea Bags include a super effective, organic fertiliser in a ‘teabag’ for your home garden. Each single-use compost tea bag contains water-soluble nutrients, including Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium.
We suggest using coir-fibre to assist with water absorption and help insulate the plant from temperature fluctuations.
Coir fibre is a bi-product of processing coconuts. Because it's porous, air, water, and nutrients pass through quickly, making it a perfect option to assist with keeping your plants happy and healthy.
We sell coir fibre in a selection of ways including by the roll. We can cut it to size if you have something specific. It can be used in open garden beds, around trees, in the veggie patch, and in pot plants.
If you'd like to know more about how we can help your garden thrive, please get in touch with us today.